Why is finding a therapist so frustrating?

Life has it’s challenges, whether it’s small or a heavy load. So when it’s building up like a pressure cooker ready to burst, how can we release that stress? Let’s get into it….

Searching for that safe space is more important than just venting what you’ve been longing to release, but how do you know if you’ve found the right one to help you navigate through those feelings and process the unknown resolution? Let’s check off the list of who is the right therapist just for YOU!

Pay attention to these important steps and ask yourself, is your therapist checking off the box of your expectations by……

  1. Providing you with a Safe Space

    Giving you the freedom to express yourself by discussing, processing, and healing from any stress and/or trauma . Feeling comfortable enough to be you without any fear of negative judgement , isolation or prejudice.

  2. Taking the time to listen

    It’s one thing to listen, but to have someone paying close attention and understanding the true message you’re trying to convey is a huge PLUS! We know all too well how frustrating it can be to share your thoughts and feelings and feel like it has fallen on deaf ears. How great would it be to have someone who not only gives you their undivided attention, doesn’t jump to conclusions and allows you to say what comes to mind while offering professional feedback and suggestions.

  3. Know that your feelings are validated

    To share your feelings and know that they are emotionally validated is what’s important. Leaving with less emotional weight than when you came could be the sigh of relief you’ve been longing for. Knowing there are no boundaries to your emotions and conversation


What to expect from a Client -Therapist Relationship