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Understanding Different Types of Trauma Reactions Pt.1

Trauma is an experience that can be deeply distressing and/or disturbing, which could also have a profound psychological and emotional effect on individuals. The way people react to trauma varies widely, and in order to provide appropriate care and support is crucial due to understanding these different reactions. In this blog, we will not only explore various types of reactions to trauma, but also offer insights into how individuals may respond to traumatic events.

  1. Acute Stress Reaction:

    This is a traumatic event with a common on-the-spot response. Symptoms such as anxiety, shock, confusion, and disorientation are what individuals may experience as well as physical reactions like a rapid heart rate, trembling, and hyperventilation. These reactions are typically short lived, subsiding within a few days or weeks as the person begins to process the event.

  2. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

    PTSD is considered a more complex and long lasting trauma reaction that can develop after exposure to a traumatic event. Symptoms include intrusive memories, flashbacks, nightmares, and avoidance of reminders of the trauma. individuals with PTSD may also experience hypervigilance, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. effective treatments, such as therapy and medication, can help manage and alleviate these symptoms

  3. Depression and Anxiety

    When it comes to trauma, these are two common reactions. In the characteristics of depression, previously enjoyed activities are now feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest. Anxiety, on the other hand, may manifest as excessive worry, restlessness and panic attacks. trauma can exacerbate pre-existing mood disorder or trigger their onset.

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Have you ever felt alone in your thoughts with no way out?

What do you do when you feel alone and stuck?

How often do you sit in your thoughts and tell yourself, I have no one who understands?

Let’s talk about Mental Health….

Mental health can affect our ways of thinking, feeling and even acting. It can also determine how we make every day choices, handle stressful situations, and make ourselves available for others. Mental health can also be a disguise to what someone is really feeling, such as seeming to have everything together in the eyes of others, but feeling the complete opposite inside.

When enlisting into the military, there is a possibility of experiencing mental health problems. Most common mental health problems are depression, anxiety, and some also experience post-traumatic stress disorder also known as PTSD. This is common among personnel and veterans, which is why good mental health is important for a soldier’s well-being.

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Mental Health has no limits

Mental health challenges can impact anyone, including celebrities. Here are some ideas for coping with symptoms when they come up.

Celebrities are human just like everyone else in the world, and often experience different challenges but may choose to keep it confidential instead of open to the public eye. The recent news of Euphoria star, Angus Cloud was something that came as a shock to the world. Here is someone from the outside looking in who appeared to have everything together, but turns out he had some mental health challenges that he could not escape. He struggled with things that he never could talk about to people so the weight became heavy. Talking about heaviness of what you’re feeling or going through is important because you then have the ability to release the things that have been weighing you down.

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A Mother’s Postpartum that should not go unnoticed

Postpartum depression and anxiety are often overlooked but can have serious consequences for both mom and baby.

New mothers can experience what is called Postpartum, even mothers who give birth to multiple children are most likely experiencing postpartum with each childbirth. For those who are unaware, this is a form of mental health where a mother’s body is changing and she is also experiencing changes mentally and emotionally as well. Have you heard of Postpartum “baby blues” or depression? A new mom may think “I am so happy to have my baby, but why am I sad all of the time now?” or “Am I really a good mother?” , “My baby only cries with me.. I am not producing enough milk, this is making me feel so emotional”. Often, mothers are encouraged by their doctor to talk about what they are feeling through therapy or often times they are diagnosed with Postpartum depression and prescribed a safe prescription to help cope with what they are feeling.

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What to expect from a Client -Therapist Relationship

What can you expect from the relationship you develop with your therapist? Here are some ways to know if your therapist is the right fit for you.

Developing Client - Therapist relationships will form a trusting connection over time. This will allow the Client and Therapist to have a mutual respect and understand the importance of boundaries and communication in order to work together resolving the client’s issue.

What makes this therapeutic relationship so unique?

Let’s talk about it….

A therapeutic relationship consists of the following THREE things:

  1. Someone who will offer you an unbiased professional perspective on whatever you may choose to share with them.

  2. Also, someone who will give it to you straight even if that means challenging you to correct or improve old habits.

  3. Someone who will challenge you to grow and stretch in ways you’ve never thought possible

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mental health Hello Liberation Counseling & Consulting mental health Hello Liberation Counseling & Consulting

Why is finding a therapist so frustrating?

Finding the right therapist can feel like an uphill battle. Here are some suggestions for finding someone who fits with you.

Life has it’s challenges, whether it’s small or a heavy load. So when it’s building up like a pressure cooker ready to burst, how can we release that stress? Let’s get into it….

Searching for that safe space is more important than just venting what you’ve been longing to release, but how do you know if you’ve found the right one to help you navigate through those feelings and process the unknown resolution? Let’s check off the list of who is the right therapist just for YOU!

Pay attention to these important steps and ask yourself, is your therapist checking off the box of your expectations by……

  1. Providing you with a Safe Space

    Giving you the freedom to express yourself by discussing, processing, and healing from any stress and/or trauma . Feeling comfortable enough to be you without any fear of negative judgement , isolation or prejudice.

  2. Taking the time to listen

    It’s one thing to listen, but to have someone paying close attention and understanding the true message you’re trying to convey is a huge PLUS! We know all too well how frustrating it can be to share your thoughts and feelings and feel like it has fallen on deaf ears. How great would it be to have someone who not only gives you their undivided attention, doesn’t jump to conclusions and allows you to say what comes to mind while offering professional feedback and suggestions.

  3. Know that your feelings are validated

    To share your feelings and know that they are emotionally validated is what’s important. Leaving with less emotional weight than when you came could be the sigh of relief you’ve been longing for. Knowing there are no boundaries to your emotions and conversation

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