Understanding Different Types of Trauma Reactions Pt.2

Understanding different types of trauma reactions is essential to comprehending how individuals cope with and respond to traumatic experiences. By recognizing these diverse reactions, we can offer appropriate support and help those affected navigate their healing journey effectively.

  1. Dissociation To cope with overwhelming trauma, the mind tends to use a defense mechanism. This is where detachment is involved from one’s thoughts, emotions, or surroundings. Individuals may feel as though they are watching themselves from outside their bodies or experience gaps in memory. Dissociation can be distressing, but it serves as a protective response to the trauma’s intensity.

  2. Externalizing Behaviors Displaying aggressive or impulsive behaviors are what some individuals may externalize their trauma. Overwhelming emotions or regaining a sense of control can be a way of coping. Substance abuse, self-harm, and risky behaviors may also emerge as maladaptive coping mechanisms

  3. Resilience and Growth Not all trauma reactions are negative. Some individuals demonstrate remarkable resilience and growth after experiencing trauma. They may develop a greater appreciation for life, deepen their connections with others, and find a renewed sense of purpose. Post- traumatic growth can be a transformative and empowering outcome of traumatic experience


National Suicide Prevention Week


Understanding Different Types of Trauma Reactions Pt.1